Tulp's Information section.

Welcome to my more detailed "About Me" page, your go-to destination for everything related to my commissions, recent work, social media links, and more.

Join my Patreon!

Purchase one of the $1 monthly subscriptions to receive one FNF' song per month. There's also a $3 monthly subscription option to receive multiple FNF songs per month, if you are interested

Here's my YouTube!

The place where you can discover all my public original soundtracks (OSTs), unofficial soundtracks (USTs), and other types of videos.

You can also visit my X.

If you prefer to stay updated with general news about various information regarding my songs, I highly recommend you to check it out. Although, I don't post too frequently there, but your general support would be greatly appreciated.

And I highly recommend you to join my Discord Server!

If you'd like to chat about commissions or simply have fun, feel free to join! I've put a lot of effort into it, so it would be really cool.